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Question 1.  Why is the use of a written checklist recommended for preflight inspection and engine start ?
A) For memorizing the procedures in an orderly sequence
B) To ensure that all necessary items are checked in a logical sequence
C) To instill confidence in the passengers
D) None of the above

Question 2.  To conduct a VFR flight within class C, D, or E airspace, you must have ___ miles of visibility.
A) 1 Mile
B) 3 Miles
C) 5 Miles
D) Whats visibility?

Question 3.  No person must operate an aircraft contrary to ATC instruction, unless...
A) The pilot deems the ATCs instructions are wrong
B) An energency occurs.
C) The pilot hates said controller.
D) The controllers instructions turn him in the wrong direction.

Question 4.  When conducting IFR flight, pilots must fly ___ feet above the highest object in a mountianous area.
A) 1,000 feet
B) 2,000 feet
C) 3,000 feet
D) 4,000 feet

Question 5.  When conducting IFR flight, pilots must fly ___ feet above the highest object in a NON-mountianous area.
A) 1,000 feet
B) 2,000 feet
C) 3,000 feet
D) 4,000 feet

Question 6.  When Entering the Server, Are you Allowed to Spawn on a Active Runway ?
A) No - I have to start on the ground, at a gate or parking space.
B) No - I have to start in the air
C) Yes - At any airport
D) Yes - If the airport has no controller

Question 7.  Do you have to be a Certified Controller to ATC at Detroit Virtual ATC ?
A) No - I can control at any time
B) Yes - At small airports only
C) Yes - At large airports only
D) Yes - At any airports

Question 8.  When should a pilot squawk 7700 ?
A) When he is about to land
B) When he is taking off
C) When he has reached cruising altitude
D) None of the above

Question 9.  In order to fly an aircraft in an airspace underlying a Class B airspace or through a VFR corridor, an airspeed of ___ knots or less is required.
A) 200 Knots
B) 220 Knots
C) 150 Knots
D) 250 Knots

Question 10.  What is the KDTW ground frequency?
A) 118.40
B) 121.80
C) 119.40
D) 124.50

Question 11.  In order to fly an aircraft under VFR conditions during daytime, you have to have enough fuel to fly to the first point of landing plus ____
A) 45 minute fuel reserve
B) 1 hour fuel reserve
C) 2 hour fuel reserve
D) 30 minute fuel reserve

Question 12.  If a Controller tells you to turn to a heading, change Alt and or Speed at pilot discretion, You may do so when?
A) At your own discretion
B) Right after the controller gives you your heading,alt,speed
C) Both A & B
D) None of the Above

Question 13.  What is the operating altitude of Class A airspace?
A) 10,000 MSL to FL500
B) FL100 to FL180
C) FL180 to FL600
D) FL100 to FL400

Question 14.  If you are flying under 10,000 Feet, What is the maximum airspeed you are allowed to fly by the FAA ?
A) 200 kts
B) 250 kts
C) 300 kts
D) No Limit

Question 15.  All aircraft must operate transponders while in operation because why?
A) Connectivity
B) Identification for other aircraft
C) For proper operation of air traffic control services
D) None of the above.

Question 16.  The radio frequency for search and rescue is what?
A) 122.80
B) 123.45
C) 118.40
D) 121.50

Question 17.  What is the maximum taxi speed you are allowed to taxi while in a heavy jet at Detroit Metro Intl ?
A) 15 kts
B) 30 kts
C) 20 kts
D) 25 kts

Question 18.  What is the field evelvation of KDTW?
A) 800 feet
B) 60 feet
C) 645 feet
D) 1,280 feet

Question 19.  What is the max taxi speed you are allowed to taxi while you are a light aircraft?
A) 15Kts.
B) 20Kts.
C) 25Kts.
D) 30Kts.

Question 20.  When taxing towards an active runway, and the controller has not given you permission to cross that runway, what should you do?
A) Request permission to cross the runway
B) Cross the runway becuase you have taxi clearance
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above

Question 21.  What category of aircraft has priority over all others?
A) Balloon
B) Helicopter
C) Glider
D) Jumbo jet

Question 22.  If there is currently no active air traffic contoller online, do you have to announce your actions to Detroit Traffic ?
A) Yes - All airports
B) Yes - All small airports
C) Yes - Only at KDTW
D) No - I do not have to announce my actions

Question 23.  No person must operate an aircraft in a class B airspace, unless...
A) There are two pilots on board.
B) The aircraft is high performance.
C) The aircraft is equipped with radios.
D) The aircraft is equipped with a transponder capable of automatic altitude reporting.

Question 24.  Airport taxiway edge lights are identified at night by ?
A) alternate red and green lights
B) white lights
C) blue lights
D) yellow lights

Question 25.  What is the Detroit Metro Tower freq ?
A) 121.80
B) 133.67
C) 118.40
D) 118.95