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Question 1.  STD barometric pressure is used when?
A) After takeoff
B) Above 10,000ft
C) Above 18,000ft MSL
D) After landing

Question 2.  What happens to an aircraft with an emergency?
A) He crashes.
B) The pilot fixes the emergency.
C) The aircraft get top priority handling.
D) The aircraft has to stay away from a city until the issue is resolved.

Question 3.  If UAL1598 is flying a heading of 275, and AA8832 is flying parallel with him, what direction will AA8832 be heading?
A) 360
B) 090
C) 180
D) 275

Question 4.  What is the control area for Ground Controllers?
A) From the gates and parking spaces, until two standard taxiway intersections from the hold short point before the runway
B) From the gates and parking spaces, until the hold short point before the runway
C) From the beginning of main taxiways to the point of take-off
D) From the beginning of the gate, to the general aviation parking

Question 5.  Which aircraft will have top priority handling among other aircraft?
A) A combat jet.
B) Air Force One.
C) Military Transport aircraft.
D) Fast aircraft.

Question 6.  An aircraft is making an emergency landing Runway 9, and the only other runway is perpendicular at the 9 end of the runway, at a metropolitan airport and 3 aircraft are 8 miles away on the approach ?
A) Close down the runway for the time being and reroute the aircraft to Runway 18
B) Tell the aircraft to make into a holding pattern
C) Assume the aircraft with the emergency will be able to clear the runway and have the aircraft continue the approach
D) Have the aircraft land on runway 27

Question 7.  What are DVATC Tower Controllers responsible for carrying out?
A) For taking aircraft in their airspace and handing them off to other controllers.
B) For taking aircraft in their airspace (Above 18,000 ft. MSL) and routing them to their destinations.
C) For taking aircraft in their airspace (Within 30 miles from the airport) and routing them in to land, or handing them off to departure controllers.
D) For taking aircraft in their airspace (Within 15 miles from the airport) and routing them in to land, or handing them off to departure controllers.

Question 8.  A controllers top priority is ?
A) Spacing
B) Efficiency
C) Speed
D) Tower Lighting

Question 9.  Max speed during taxi on the ground for jets is?
A) 45knts
B) 35knts
C) 25knts
D) 15knts

Question 10.  What is the correct abbreviation for jetBlue's callsign?

Question 11.  If there is lightning in the vicinity of an airport, what should you do?
A) Implement a ground stop.
B) Vector the aircraft around the severe storms and put them in a holding pattern.
C) A&B
D) None of the above.

Question 12.  The abreviation -ATC- stands for what job at an airport?
A) Air TRACON Controller
B) Air Training Chiefs
C) Air Traffic Controller
D) Annoying Tango-Dancing Chico

Question 13.  When an aircraft squawks 7700 it means
A) Communications Failure
B) Unlawful Interference
C) An engine problem
D) General Problem

Question 14.  What ATC position can give clearance for a -back-taxi- on a runway?
A) Ground
B) Tower
C) Clearance Delivery
D) Center

Question 15.  After granting Push and Start clearance, what should be said to the pilot afterward?
A) Contact tower
B) Contact me when ready to taxi
C) Taxi to the runway
D) None of the above

Question 16.  When descending below 10,000ft msl the max speed is?
A) 240knts
B) 250knts
C) 165knts
D) 150knts

Question 17.  PAN, PAN, PAN is translated as ?
A) I have an emergency and I need immediate help
B) I may be in a potential situation and I need assistance
C) Holy Mackerel there is a pan attacking me in my plane
D) None of the above

Question 18.  If a 767-300 takes off on runway 4L, and a CRJ-700 is holding on the runway, how long should you hold the CRJ-700 before clearing him for take off after the 767-300 clears the runway?
A) 1 Min.
B) 2 Min.
C) 2 1/2 Min.
D) 4 Min.

Question 19.  Approach controllers guide the aircraft to what point in their approach to an airport?
A) Until the aircraft reaches 5,000 feet MSL
B) Until the aircraft is 2 miles out from the airport
C) Until the aircraft is 8 miles out from the airport
D) Until the aircraft has intercepted the localizer or obtained visual of the runway.

Question 20.  When an aircraft asks for VFR permission to land, your responses could be?
A) (callsign) Permission To land, granted
B) Negative the airport is currently IFR
C) Negative ghost rider the pattern is full
D) Both A&B

Question 21.  When in the ground controller position, seperation of aircraft is key because of what factor?
A) The pilots get territorial when in their aircraft
B) Wake turbulence / jetblast
C) The aircraft look better when spaced
D) Spacing is only because the instructions given by the controller take a while to complete

Question 22.  What is the standard ground frequency at KDTW used here at DVATC?
A) 118.90
B) 118.40
C) 121.80
D) 124.05

Question 23.  Ground controllers mainly keep tabs on aircraft locations by what type of contact?
A) Radio Contact
B) Visual Contact (binoculars)
C) Radar Contact
D) Computerized Beacons

Question 24.  If you have a aircraft flying a heading of 180, And traffic is coming at it at a direction of 270, What clock directions should the plane expect to find the aircraft ?
A) 9 o'clock
B) 10 o'clock
C) 3 o'clock
D) 4 o'clock

Question 25.  When should a pilot generally read back all ATC instructions?
A) All hold short instructions
B) All position and hold, and stop taxi instructions
C) All clearance deliveries
D) All of the above